Quitting a rough day job to pursue your passion is a dream almost everyone has, even if they don’t admit it. For most, though, it never seems to work out. More often than not, people give up on their dreams and never end up in that small percentage of people lucky enough to embrace their passions full-time. Mike Taylor is different, though. He was an amateur photographer. Then, he took a photo that was so good, it made him quit his day job.
He made the right call.
It just goes to show you that you should never give up on your dreams. You never know what can happen. Only a year after becoming a professional photographer, Mike has gotten national attention and even offers photography classes to inspire others.
To see more of Mike’s amazing photography, check out his online portfolio or Facebook page. Support his dream and his bravery. Not everyone would have the guts to quit their job to pursue their dreams.
Source: Taylor Photography