All around you, there are things in existence that are both beautiful and mind blowing. And that’s just on Earth! There are even more incredible beauties scattered throughout the universe. Take these gorgeous pictures of a sunrise, for example. If they look a little strange to you, there’s a reason for that: they were taken on Mars.
It may look like home, but these pictures are of anything but.
NASA captured some sincerely spectacular images of sunrise on Mars.
It’s hard to imagine that one day, we may actually be able to witness this in person.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think this is the Earth.
And to think, no humans have ever set foot here.
Every now and then, Mars will show you just how different it is.
It’s an alien feeling, knowing that these pictures were taken so far from home. To see other stunning pictures from space, check out NASA’s online galleries. Space is truly one big place.